Reach for the Stars leads readers on a Bible study journey that transcends the ordinary and invites the extraordinary. In a world fraught with uncertainty and fear, Bill Britton challenges us to break free from the limitations imposed by our own thoughts and embrace the wholeness of the Spirit.
Why Reach for the Stars is Relevant Today
Through a succession of powerful chapters: Climb the Highest Hill, The Bones of Joseph, Jabez Enlarges My Coast, A Corn of Wheat, and Beautiful Are the Feet. Bill Britton weaves a tapestry of faith that speaks directly to the hearts of young people and families. Reach for the Stars serves as a light of hope, illuminating the path to greater spiritual knowledge and a life free of the past.
Who Should Read Reach for the Stars?
Reach for the Stars, full of biblical insights and profound truths, encourages readers to dream large and pursue a divine mission. It’s more than just a book; it’s a call to action, inspiring you to accept your destiny and discover the limitless possibilities that lie ahead. Are you ready to break free and reach for the stars? Your journey begins here.
Reach for the Stars Excerpt: here have always been men who walked in a realm beyond the limitations of their time and generation. While most men feel that they have to settle for the status quo, and seem satisfied with whatever is made available to their generation, there are some who are spiritual pioneers, who “reach for the stars”.
Enoch was such a man. The Bible says: “Enoch walked with God; and he was not; for God took him.” (Genesis 5:24) Now this may not seem like such a great thing to some of you, but let me remind you… Enoch did not live in a day when men were walking with God. It had been almost a thousand years since Adam had walked with God in the garden. After the fall, men had only the promise of death. The earth was filled with violence, and the un-godliness of men was a stench that reached to heaven. There were no churches in every village and hamlet. There was no saviour yet who had died for the sins of men. Saints of God were almost un-heard of.
Reach for the Stars Cont.
Yet in the midst of this, Enoch believed that he could reach beyond the limitations of his generation, and walk with God. He-brews 11:5 says that Enoch pleased God. It also says that he was a man of faith, and by faith he was translated that he should not see death. This was something unheard of. Adam had been dead for more than fifty years. Tho men lived many years, yet no one had hope of escaping death. But by faith Enoch believed that he could. And he did.
Enoch was the first one we read of who had a “thus saith the Lord”. We read in Jude 14 that “Enoch prophesied, saying Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, to execute judgment upon all”. Now Enoch was only the seventh from Adam, and he lived in a day when we can hardly find a half dozen saints, let alone ten thousand. Yet he looked far beyond his own day, and saw into the great Day of the Lord when the saints of God would execute a great victory over evil in the earth.
Few men had the audacity to influence the Church with such broad fervour as Bill Britton did. This man was driven to guide a nation "through the veil" and was engrossed in God's goals, believed that the splendour to come...
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