In a world yearning for truth and connection, Portrait of Things to Come invites readers on a transformative journey through the parables of Christ. This profound exploration reveals the timeless wisdom woven into the fabric of our Savior’s earthly life, illuminating the path for young adults, families, and seekers of faith alike.
Who Should Read Portrait of Things to Come?
Through heartfelt storytelling and spiritual insight, each chapter unpacks a parable, breathing new life into its message and relevance for today’s challenges. From the Good Samaritan to the Prodigal Son, these narratives serve as mirrors reflecting our own struggles, hopes, and aspirations. As you delve into the pages of Portrait of Things to Come, you’ll uncover not just the lessons of the past but also the promise of what’s to come.
Why Portrait of Things to Come is Relevant Today
Portrait of Things to Come is more than a book; it’s a companion for the soul. Whether you’re looking to deepen your faith, seek solace in community, or simply understand the heart of Christ’s teachings, this book will inspire you to embrace the beauty of life’s journey with renewed purpose and love. Discover the parables that can shape your tomorrow—because the best is yet to come.
Portrait of Things to Come Excerpt: Is it possible that, amid the confusion of the age, even God’s own people are forgetting who Jesus Christ really is? What greater tragedy can overtake a world in need of salvation than to lose sight of the Saviour who came to bring deliverance and emancipation to all mankind? Whether we believe it or not man’s pseudo religion, his higher criticism and his human tradi-tion of worship have done nothing to open the gates of under-standing but these things have served only to hide him from the Eternal and to close the doors of salvation in the face of those for whom Christ died. The time has certainly come for us all to do some solemn thinking, some seeking after the wis-dom of the Lord, for without doubt we are living in the ex-treme latter end of the dispensation of grace. We are in the closing hours of the Laodicean period of the church age, an age distasteful to God and so repugnant to Him that it is likened to lukewarm water fit only to be spewed out of God’s mouth as a thing obnoxious to Him. The Laodicean age is a period replete with every form of godliness, but it is powerless godliness, consisting of empty lip service where men draw nigh to God with their lips but their hearts are far away from Him.
Portrait of Things to Come Continued…
With what divine genius does the Holy Spirit on the death-less page of God’s word portray the tragic scene of Jesus Christ, the blessed Saviour, standing at the end of this age completely outside the Laodicean church! No longer is He seen dealing with the apostate church system, but knocking, knock-ing, knocking at the heart’s door of individual men and women, saying to them, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear My voice and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him and he with Me. To him that overcometh will I grant to sit with Me in My throne, even as I also over came and am set down with My Father in His throne. He that hath an ear to hear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches.” Rev. 3:20-22. However much we may dislike to hear it, however much you may resent my telling you so, even the blindest man could scarcely fail to see that the scripture quoted above refers to our particular day and none other. Times without number good people write to tell me that it is absolutely necessary that they belong to some sort of church group, but consider this, oh tradition bound man! If Christ is outside the church system as He is pictured in Rev. 3:20, what good will it do you to be inside no matter how comfortable and self assured it makes you feel? Christ in you is the hope of glo-ry and the hope of sonship, but you in a Laodicean church group means only that your doors are barred against Him.
George Hawtin would write and publish a series of 32 books on various vital subjects dealing with deep Biblical truths. Many of these books first appeared as articles in his monthly publication called, “The Page” from the 1960’ to the...
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