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Hebrews The Book of Better Things

- The Bible Speaks the better New Covenant of Christ than the Old Covenant of Moses.
 Author: Bill Britton  Category: Kingdom, Sonship  Publisher: Lampstand Communication  Published: 27/12/2024  Pages: 211  Country: AU  ISBN 13: 979-8305095302  Book Size: 6*9 inch  Kindle Size: 552kb  Tags: Book of HebrewsHebrews of the Bible | More Details  Kindle  Paper Back

Hebrews The Book of Better Things guides you on a transformative journey through the heart of Christian faith, exposing the unmatched depth and complexity of Christ’s new covenant. In this riveting examination, author Bill Britton methodically contrasts Moses’ old covenant with Jesus’ new teachings, creating a gripping story that will appeal to both seasoned believers and interested seekers.

Why Hebrews The Book of Better Things is Relevant Today

Britton makes a strong case for the supremacy of grace over law, love over obligation, and hope over despair, using a combination of scriptural evidence and logical reasoning. Each chapter delves deeper into how the new covenant’s promises are not just better, but also life-changing, inspiring readers to embrace a lively, relevant, and transformative faith.

Who Should Read Hebrews The Book of Better Things?

Hebrews The Book of Better Things is ideal for young adults and families seeking spiritual growth. Hebrews The Book of Better Things is more than a theoretical thesis; it is an exhortation to live a fulfilled life in Christ. Join Bill Britton as he uncovers the treasures of faith and brings you further into God’s great destiny for humanity. See how much wonderful life can be when you walk in the light of the new covenant!

Hebrews The Book of Better Things Excerpt: The book of Hebrews is “the book of better things”. The central theme of the entire book is to show how much better the new covenant of Christ is than the old covenant of Moses. With scriptural proof and strong logic, the writer of Hebrews proves beyond the shadow of a doubt, even to where the most orthodox scribe or Pharisee cannot refute it, how much better the Gospel of Grace is than the Jewish Law.

Continually, throughout the book, we are faced with the truth that the old order is dead and ready for burial. God has replaced it with a new and living way that takes us, by the blood of Christ, through the veil, into the very presence of God where the law could never take us. This book was written because of the problem of Jewish Christians trying to mix the two orders, law and grace, and some even leaving the new order to go back to Moses’ law because of problems that arose in the early church.

Hebrews The Book of Better Things Cont.

Many scholars believe that the apostle Paul was the author of Hebrews, due to internal evidence, the style of writing, the revelation of grace, and the pattern of his logic. Paul, who was once the most orthodox of Jews, blameless in the matters of the law, has had a vision of Christ and a revelation of the Gospel of the grace of God. He now is the strongest opponent of the Law of Moses with its rituals, ceremonies, and animal sacrifices. He will not succeed in destroying the old order completely, nor will he be able to convince all the Jews to leave that dead system (it still has millions of followers today). But he is sounding a clarion call to those Christians who have tasted the reality of Christ, and want to fol-low Jesus into full Sonship. The message is that they will have to turn loose of the past, and rid themselves of every remaining garment of the Jew’s religion. We have a better way. The shadows are gone, we have arrived at the substance.

Hebrews The Book of Better Things

About the author

Bill Britton

Few men had the audacity to influence the Church with such broad fervour as Bill Britton did. This man was driven to guide a nation "through the veil" and was engrossed in God's goals, believed that the splendour to come...

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