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From Glory to Glory

- A Christian Bible Study About The Glory Of God Redemption And Renewal
 Series: Treasures of Truth  Author: George Hawtin  Category: Inspirational, Latter Rain  Publisher: Lampstand Communication  Published: 02/10/2023  Pages: 153  Country: USA  Book Size: 6*9 inch  Kindle Size: 338kb  Tags: Glory of GodGlory to Glory | More Details  Kindle  Paper Back

In a world filled with uncertainty, From Glory to Glory invites you on a transformative journey of faith and discovery. Drawing inspiration from the timeless truth that “it is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the honour of kings to search out a matter,” this book serves as a beacon for those yearning to deepen their spiritual understanding and embrace the divine mysteries of life.

Who Should Read From Glory to Glory?

Follow the heartfelt stories of individuals from diverse backgrounds as they navigate the trials and triumphs of their spiritual quests. Each chapter unveils the beauty of seeking, revealing how the pursuit of God’s glory can lead to profound personal transformation and renewed hope. With emotional depth and honesty, the author weaves together biblical wisdom and personal anecdotes, encouraging readers to confront their doubts and embrace their divine calling.

Why From Glory to Glory is Relevant Today

Whether you’re a young adult grappling with your identity, a family seeking unity in faith, or anyone longing for deeper spiritual fulfilment, From Glory to Glory will inspire you to seek the hidden treasures of God’s love and grace. Join the journey—From Glory to Glory your next chapter awaits!

From Glory to Glory Excerpt: Again the next day after, John stood and two of his disciples; and, looking upon Jesus as He walked, he saith, Behold the Lamb of God! And the two disciples heard him speak, and they followed Jesus. And Jesus turned and saw them following, and saith unto them, What seek ye? And they said unto Him, Rabbi, where dwellest Thou? He saith unto them, Come and see. They came and saw where He dwelt, and abode with Him that day; for it was about the tenth hour. One of the disciples who heard John speak was Andrew, Simon Peter’s brother.” John 1:35-40

From Glory to Glory Continued..

“It is the glory of God to conceal a thing, but the honor of kings to search out a matter.” Prov. 25:2 It has always pleased the Lord to shroud the deep things of God in mystery and to cover them as with a cloud of glory. The worthless things and base are usually the most evident. The lewd and sordid things lie about us on every hand seeking like promiscuous women the attention of every passerby, but the rich and deep treasures God has hidden. Never are they accidentally found by the careless or indifferent, but by those who diligently search for them. “If thou criest after knowledge and liftest up thy voice for understanding; if thou seekest her as silver and searchest for her as for hid treasure, then shalt thou understand the fear of the Lord, and the knowledge of God.” Prov. 2:4-5

For years the simple story recorded above has intrigued my mind with its mystery. “Master, where dwellest Thou?” they asked, and He replied, “Come and see.” They followed Him and abode with Him that day. But the story ends there. No hint was given of where they went or where they stayed. Some glad day perhaps the story will be told, and, when it is, may God grant that we shall be among the happy throng who hears it that we may learn where He dwells who said, “Foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests, but the Son of man hath not where to lay His head.” He had neither house or cave, nest or hole in this world, yet He took these humble men to show them where He dwelt.

From Glory to Glory

About the author

George Hawtin

George Hawtin would write and publish a series of 32 books on various vital subjects dealing with deep Biblical truths. Many of these books first appeared as articles in his monthly publication called, “The Page” from the 1960’ to the...

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