John M Boney

In 1974 the Lord told him to put away all his books and all he had learned at seminary and to come before Him with his Bible alone. The Lord told him that he and Sister Carmen should leave their jobs. He asked the Lord, “How will we maintain ourselves”? To which the Lord responded, “I have more than enough for you to do”. He immediately resigned from the Assemblies of God and The Woodstock Children’s Home as House Parent-Counselors to 7 Foster Sons. Then through much study of the word, fasting and prayers, The Lord began to REVEAL to him, The Gospel of The Kingdom of God, the Purpose of God in Earth. April 2021 EATC ( Emmanuel Apostolic Training Center) established at 504 S. 33rd St., Fort Pierce, FL 34947, as a response to the word of the Lord given and spoken over John M Boney. The transition and training of the Next Generation began. Then an aggressive focus on the transition of all those initially called to catalyst the work there. Apostle John’s urgency from 2021 till 2023 was the Establishing of the called out ones in St. Lucie county which was completed. February 4, 2023 Apostle John M. Boney Rested.